
Wider Curriculum

Safer Internet Day

Today, we found out about the Internet. We looked at some devices that are in our homes and at school that allow us to go on the Internet. 


We talked about who we can talk to if something on the Internet upsets, scares or worries us.


We looked at different logos to see if we recognised any. We talked about what each app is used for and how we can stay safe on them. In provision, we used our fine motor skills to cut out apps to create our own tablet. We also used the Internet safely to play a number game.


Finally, we listened to a story called Chicken Clicking who we spotted was not being very safe online. 

Observational Drawing

As part of our learning about Valentine's Day, we looked at observational drawings of flowers. We looked closely at the shapes and chose our colours carefully. Our concentration and attention skills were put to the test... but we did it!

Can materials be changed?

This week, we read The Great Paper Caper. In this book, we found out that trees (made from wood) can be changed into paper. Wow!


We explored a range of materials, naming and describing them. 


We then looked at whether they could be changed. Can we bend them? Can we stretch them? Can we cut them?


Looking closely at paper, we used folding to change the paper into a paper aeroplane. We showed good looking and listening to follow step by step instructions. The folding really worked our hand and finger muscles!


Once complete, we took the paper aeroplanes outside to fly!

The Great Race- Chinese New Year

Spring 1- The World Around Me

Exploring Materials and Building Houses

This Is The House That Jack Built

Our Christmas Performance

For our Christmas Performance, we made our own decorations. We collaged Christmas characters using tissue paper. We used our strong finger muscles to tear, pinch and scrunch the paper and use glue spreaders to stick the paper on.

During our performance, we were very brave as there were lots of people in the audience. We sang whole songs that we had remembered, tried our best to match the pitch and perform the actions. For some songs, we even used Makaton signs throughout!

Miss Le Moigne was very proud of us!

Nursery's Christmas Songs

Nursery's Christmas Songs

Nursery's Christmas Songs

Week 4's Rhyme of the Week

Miss Polly had a dolly

Week 3's Rhyme of the Week


Week 2's Rhyme of the Week

Week 1's Rhyme of the Week

Incy Wincy Spider

Autumn Treasures

Week 7's Rhyme of the Week

After exploring Autumn last week and all of the changing colours. This week, we will learn how to sign some colours, sing this song and mix colours to make Autumn pictures.

Week 6's Rhyme of the Week

This week, we have been exploring the changes around us.

Week 5's Rhyme of the Week

This week, we are thinking about our family.
We will try to understand how we fit into our family, how we have changed in our lives so far and think about keeping ourselves and others safe, happy and healthy.

Week 4's Rhyme of the Week

Week 3's Rhyme of the Week

Our learning this week

This week, we used pencils to draw a portrait of the Queen to add to our School Art Gallery.

We found out about where we belong and where our toys belong. 

In RE, we collaged hearts to show and share love with others.

Outside, we have been walking and running. We had to look carefully to make sure we didn't bump into anything or anyone! Some of us changed speed and direction listening carefully to our instructions. 

Week 2's Rhyme of the Week

Week 1's Rhyme of the Week
