

In Summer 2 Year 1 will learn these...


Key objectives for the unit:

Children will:

  • Identify some Sikh artefacts and symbols they are aware of or know about in their daily lives.
  • Identify and recall a story about a Guru.
  • Talk about values in response to a Sikh story; retell the story of Dunni Chand and the needle.
  • Talk about some things that happen in a Gurdwara.
  • Talk about being generous and meeting generous people; why Sikhs like to share and why they like to share; identify a good reason to share.
  • Recognise what the 5Ks are, why some Sikh children wear them and why they are important to them.
  • Respond sensitively to the ideas of being generous, being equal and being fair.



Christ Church CE Primary School is an Academy within St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust which is a private company limited by guarantee, with charitable status, registered in England and Wales (Company No: 10312858). Our MAT is a private limited company. Registered office address is at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, Sedgley Road, Wolverhampton WV4 5LG. Website address:

St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust 01902 558855
