

Our School Governing Body


Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. They are members of the school team and their contribution to the running of the school is highly valued.


School Governing Body

The instrument of government states that the governing body shall consist of:

  • 5 parent governors
  • 1 local authority governor
  • 1 staff governor
  • 1 headteacher
  • 2 foundation governor
  • 3 co-opted governors


The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)


Lee Jeavons

Chair of Governors/LA


Responsibilities/Committees: Chair, Performance Management,
Safeguarding/Child Protection, GDPR & Curriculum.

Date Appointed: 14th January 2013 

Term of Office: 14th January 2021- 13th January 2025

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Spouse to member of support staff

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mr. Michael Beese

Vice Chair of Governors


Responsibilities/Committees: Resources

Date Appointed: 26th October 2018 

Term of Office: 26th October 2022 - 13th September 2026

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None 

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mr. Sean Davies



Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum & Standards, Pay Committee, Resources, Policy Working Party

Date Appointed: 1st September 2012

Term of Office:  1st September 2012 - present

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None 

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mr. Simon Cox

Foundation Governor


Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum & Standards, Pay Comittee KS1, SEN

Date Appointed: 21st June 2018

Term of Office: 21st June 2018 - 20th June 2022

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Employed by CEF, school supplier

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mrs. Nicki Artwell-Ikwele

Foundation Governor


Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum & Standards, Resources

Date Appointed: 1st December 2020

Term of Office: 1st December 2020 - 30th November 2024

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None 

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mrs. Shelley Till

Teacher Governor


Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum & Standards, Resources

Date Appointed: 20th March 2015

Term of Office: 20th March 2019 - 19th March 2023

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None 

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mr. Steve White

Co-opted Governor


Responsibilities/Committees: Resources

Date Appointed: 8th December 2015

Term of Office: 8th December 2019 - 7th December 2023

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: Governor at Matrix Academy Trust 

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mrs. Lisa Wood

Co-opted Governor


Responsibilities/Committees: Resources 

Date Appointed: 20th March 2015

Term of Office: 20th March 2019 - 19th March 2023

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None 

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mr. Marcus Woodhouse

Staff Governor



Date Appointed: 22nd October 2021 

Term of Office: 22nd October 2021 - 21st October 2025

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None 

Meetings Attended: See document below



Mr. Matthew Myers

Parent Governor


Responsibilities/Committees: Resources, Review Officer, Performance Management Committee

Date Appointed: 19th October 2020

Term of Office: 19th October 2020  - 18th October 2024

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance roles in other Educational institutions: None 

Meetings Attended: See document below


