

Welcome to Nursery

Hello and welcome to Nursery at Christ Church.

Take a look on our page to find out all about our class, what we are learning and adventures we go on. 


If you have any questions, please email me and I will get back to you!

Miss Le Moigne





Valentine's Day Craft Session with our parents

The Great Paper Caper Paper Aeroplanes

Muddy Monday Mystery

Chinese New Year

Our story so far in Draw and Talk

Every half term, we draw ourselves in our Draw and Talk books. The picture on the left is our first picture in September. The picture on the right is our picture in January. 

Can you see how hard we have been working on our pre-writing shapes and pencil control? 

Some of us even made marks for our names and told Miss Le Moigne what we have written. 

Watch out for further updates!

Christmas in Nursery

Floating and Sinking

Remembrance Day

Our Autumn Display

Our Autumn display in the corridor showcasing our hard work to all of the school!

The display includes our colour mixing work to make orange for the Bonfire collages and pom pom printing to make autumnal trees. It also includes photos of our craft session with our parents and carers. During the session, we made firework biscuits pinching and sprinkling the decorations. We made giant sparklers that we waved when we danced with outside. Using a cardboard tube, we made fireworks on black paper mixing red and yellow together too!

Our first three weeks!

Our classroom is ready and waiting for us!
