

Teaching Phonics in Reception

In Reception, we use Read Write Inc to teach the letter sounds to the children. We use rhymes to help the children to remember the sound and how to form the letters. 


Blending is a key skill to support the children's reading development. Fred the frog helps us to blend by only speaking in sounds and we have to blend to make the word. For example, Fred says "m-a-t" and the children say "mat". You could play Fred Games at home, such as Fred Says. Fred says "Eat your t-oa-s-t." The children should then begin to eat their toast.


Fred also helps us with our spelling. Using Fred Fingers to break down and segment words into single sounds that we can then write. When writing sat, you can hear 3 sounds. s-a-t. Hold up three fingers, pinch each finger as you say the sound and then write each letter.


As the year progresses, your child will bring home green word flashcards, red word flashcards and RWI Book Bag Books. Please have a go at these at home. 

Colourful Semantics in Reception

RWI Speed Sounds


At Christ Church, we teach phonics using Read Write Inc. Here is a video of how to pronounce each sound.

Christ Church CE Primary School is an Academy within St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust which is a private company limited by guarantee, with charitable status, registered in England and Wales (Company No: 10312858). Our MAT is a private limited company. Registered office address is at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, Sedgley Road, Wolverhampton WV4 5LG. Website address:

St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust 01902 558855
