Exploring leaders: Sikh and Hindu
During Autumn 1, Year 6 will be learning about local and inspirational leaders in Hinduism and Sikhism.
Our main focus is:
- To identify and describe the lives of good leaders from Sikh and Hindu sources and make links between how they wish to lead their lives. ·
- To describe, understand and reflect on the life stories of inspirational people from the Sikh faith. To make links between the stories of Guru Nanak and the way Sikhs live today. ·
- To respond thoughtfully to Guru Nanak’s wisdom, ideas and beliefs. ·
- To learn to explore, question and respond to the teachings and experience of Mahatma Ghandi from the Hindu community. ·
- To learn, explore, question and respond to the teachings and experience of Pandurang Shrastri Athavale from the Hindu community. ·