
RE Long Term Plan

RE at Christ Church CE is taught discretely across our school. Class teachers plan weekly hour long lessons in KS1 and KS2, with some year groups having additional days for RE focus units throughout the year. RE subject days provide additional opportunities to explore different religions, faiths, cultures and worldviews.


In EYFS, Understanding Christianity and the Walsall SACRE units are used to aid the planning of a weekly RE input. Continuous provision throughout the year also allows teachers to supplement the pupils' learning and knowledge with focus tasks upon Diwali, Eid, and other festivals.

RE Whole-school Planning Overview

In order to support the children's understanding of their RE learning, we use topic front covers in our books. The cover shows the children what they will be learning, but also the previous knowledge and learning, which has already taken place within other year groups. We share the key vocabulary with the children and refer to this within our RE teaching.

Educational Visit Overview
