Calm Me Time
At the start of each PSHE lesson, we have started Calm Me Time. We can sit or lay down and close our eyes. We concentrate on our breathing and staying still to help us feel calm and peaceful. Then we are ready to learn!
We listen to quiet music and practise our Rainbow Breathing. There is a video below if you would like to try this at home!
Cosmic Yoga
If your child is struggling to sleep, try this video before bed.
Better sleep helps children to learn.
Christ Church CE Primary School is an Academy within St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust which is a private company limited by guarantee, with charitable status, registered in England and Wales (Company No: 10312858). Our MAT is a private limited company. Registered office address is at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, Sedgley Road, Wolverhampton WV4 5LG. Website address:
St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust 01902 558855