
Maths Daily Lesson

Our Daily Maths Lessons


In the EYFS, children are given opportunities to develop their mathematics skills daily through purposeful adult-led activities and through engaging continuous provision. Children explore early number recognition, manipulation, pattern, shape and measure through guided practical maths based tasks. 


In Key Stage One, children have an hour of Maths every day. Our aim in Key Stage 1 is to build on children’s practical skills and develop early formal written approaches. A key focus at this age is developing a child’s fluency and accuracy in recalling number facts so that they can manipulate numbers to solve a growing range of mathematical problems.


In Key Stage Two, children have 1 hours and 15 min of Maths every day. Our aim in Key Stage 2 is to equip children with the ability to use the concise methods for tackling multi-step maths problems and develop their reasoning skills to logically complete more complex challenges.


Our teachers use their knowledge of the pupils to plan appropriate work that supports and challenges at all ability levels and that meets the objectives for the pupils in their year group. 
