
Forest School

Year 1

Forest School

Red Class will have Forest School on Wednesday.


Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit:


  • a waterproof, warm coat
  • long trousers (even in the summer)
  • long sleeved top (even in the summer)
  • suitable outdoor boots or shoes - i.e. wellies
  • hat, scarf and gloves (subject to the weather)
  • please apply sun protection cream (subject to the weather)


If your child has a Forest School kit, they will be able to join in with all the activities and have fun!


Please pack their FS kit with them, so they know what it looks like. It is useful that all items are labelled correctly, to ensure they do not get mislaid.



Christ Church CE Primary School is an Academy within St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust which is a private company limited by guarantee, with charitable status, registered in England and Wales (Company No: 10312858). Our MAT is a private limited company. Registered office address is at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, Sedgley Road, Wolverhampton WV4 5LG. Website address:

St Bartholomew’s CE Multi Academy Trust 01902 558855
