

Spring 1


Unit 6.4 - Blogging

This unit of work uses the Purple Mash tool 2Blog and is designed to help children learn the basic principles of creating and maintaining a blog in a controlled and safe environment.


Using 2Blog, this unit will give children a basic understanding of how to plan, create and present their own blog.


A blog can be:

• A diary where life events are documented.

• A place to share information about interests and hobbies.

• A place to share knowledge on specific subjects.


During Autumn 1, Year 6 will complete a series of lessons resulting in creating their very own adventure game!

To access Purple Mash at home please click the link below and use your child's login.  If you need any support with logging onto Purple Mash at home, please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Year 6 team.

