
Our Vision and Aims

Special Educational Needs


Christ Church CE Primary School places great importance on striving to meet the needs of ALL children and young people in our school.


Christ Church C.E. Primary School provides an inclusive, broad and balanced curriculum for all children including those with special educational needs. Some children will require additional help and support to access the curriculum and fully participate in learning either throughout or at any time during their school life. In implementing this policy the learning needs of each child (curriculum and assessment) will be met.

Our Vision


At Christ Church CE school we will meet the individual needs of all children entering our school. We will set suitable learning challenges for different groups of pupils and respond to pupils adverse needs and overcome potential barriers to learning.


Continued professional development amongst teachers, learning support assistants and other relevant support staff will be ongoing in order to ensure they have the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to meet the needs and raise the standards of achievement of all children.


Partnership with parents plays a key role in enabling children with special educational needs to achieve their full potential. The school recognises that parents hold key information and have knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of a child’s needs and the best ways of supporting them.

Children with special educational needs will be encouraged to participate in the decision making process and contribute to the assessment of their needs, the review and transition process.


Our Aims:


  • To identify all children who may have an educational, social, emotional or behavioural concerns or indeed a combination of some or all of these concerns as early as possible in their school career.
  • To ensure that all children are given appropriate support to allow a full access and entitlement to the whole school curriculum (including the National Curriculum), by providing a differentiated curriculum appropriate to individual needs and ability.
  • To ensure that children with Special Educational Needs are fully integrated within the everyday school environment through individual support for teaching and learning.
  • To ensure that children, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff and governors all work together in order to develop a partnership of support for children with special educational needs.
  • We fully support the principle of inclusion.